Friday Fictioneers – the Quiet

Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt©Na’ama Yehuda

Photo Prompt©Na’ama Yehuda

Looking around, recalling a scene from The Notebook

When Noah and Allie lie down in the street

She is worried, and he is nonchalant

A vehicle arrives, honks the horn

And they jump up laughing; alive

Makes me smile!

Looking around, knowing that this isn’t right

If it was a quiet, lazy Sunday – okay

people huddled in front of the TV, eating, laughing

If I didn’t know differently

people huddled in front of the TV scared, eating

If I wasn’t escaping, heading anywhere else

people huddled together, dying, dead.

The quiet after the storm!

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.

Friday Fictioneers – Before


A blazing flash of light and I thought; I’ve been here before!

It was an important day; for my husband. A record 56-game hitting streak. It looked different then.

I was wearing a dress made famous by a film clip, over a subway tunnel.

Stunning white material, over long pale legs, blowing around me!

He cried hard at my funeral. They all did, my mother, the crowds. I can remember it, like it was yesterday.

He wasn’t there. The politician.

Funeral? Husbands? The memory is clear as glass. But it doesn’t make sense.

I’m only a boy, aged 10. This is my local playground.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.