Friday Fictioneers – Escape

A big screen TV with an image of a rusty old car, being raised with straps.

Photo Prompt: Fleur Lind

It caught my eye the moment I entered.

Its segments called to me.

My sister moaned about life’s disappointments.

Her husband’s failings.

Her monster children.

Made coffee without asking what I wanted.

Assumed it was always the same.

Milk, 2 sugars, too white, too sweet.

I barely listened. Grunted in the right places

‘I made banana bread, with walnuts,’ she said.

She’d forgotten I’m allergic.

‘Everybody loves my baking. I should open a café.’

It was all just noise.

I reached out to the TV. Opened the door.

Walked through, and closed it quietly behind me. [96 words]

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields continues to set the challenge in 2024, encouraging a community of writers to write Flash Fiction of 100 words or fewer. To read other stories, visit here.

35 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Escape

  1. I like how you show how some people are so involved in their own world they forget those around them. We just have to escape their harmless toxic gabble. But is television the answer?


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