Do I lack the passion to be a Writer?

Sunday night, 11th July I submitted a 1st draft manuscript as part of the 12 month Write your Novel course I joined in October 2020, with Australian Writers Centre. Other students in the class and my tutor will read this draft and feedback to me.

It was a requirement to have a manuscript of 10,000 to 20,000 words, and be seeking a process to get yourself moving toward a finished manuscript.

This week, I feel free. Vulnerable and nervous that my readers will tell me it is a crock of sh*#, but relieved.

I wasn’t looking for how to write lessons. I was happy for writing to remain a natural, calm, almost stream of consciousness activity that I undertake, because I enjoy stories.

I’ve always dreamed of being an author. As 60 inexorably approaches it seemed a good time to seriously pursue that goal.

Sixty years old. It doesn’t seem possible that I’m coming up on old age. At what point do we cling to the froth of 40 is the new 30, 50 the new 40, etc? All I know is that generally I feel about 26, which probably also goes for level of maturity [LOL]. I’m supposed to be in an amazing place in my life where I know myself, have confidence in my strengths and abilities. Funny that.

My background is secretarial and I believe that things would fall apart if you didn’t have hardworking administrators. But have you heard of the Golgafrinchans? Their story resonated with me from the get go, particularly on the many days that I’m down on myself.

If you’ve read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series of books, you would know about the Golgafrinchans. On their planet, I would fall into the class of ‘middle-men’  – people like hairdressers, consultants, marketers, insurance salespeople, telephone sanitisers. In other words, the people the world can do without.

The remaining two-thirds of Golgafrinchans were considered the thinkers and the doers and they fooled the middle men into departing the planet for places unknown with various ruses. The planet would soon crash into the sun, a swarm of 12 foot high killer bees was about to attack, or the planet was soon to be eaten by some sort of mutant goat. This two-thirds promised, we’ll be right behind you, and of course, the idiots departed.

It might sound harsh that I include myself in a fictional group of people described as the worthless ones, but often I feel it describes me. Lost, at a time of life when I’m supposed to have come into my own. 

What I looked for in a 12 month WYN course was feedback and deadlines. Because at work, I’m a robot slave but in my downtime, I’m a sloth. I work well to a deadline. Busy beaver, busy bee, take your pick. A course that says ‘here, and here, and here you will delver 5,000 words and at this point, a final draft’ worked for me.

However, for most the last few months I wrote to deadlines, and not a word more. Since October I’ve barely participated in the writing prompts I like to follow, the flash fiction. These great creative challenges hone your ability to say quite a lot, with few words. I missed it. But as queen procrastinator I didn’t allow myself that treat, because if I’m writing it should be on the blasted manuscript. 

For most of those months, I was barely writing.

With regard to this blog, somehow this last couple of years of COVID and Trump-related angst discouraged me from writing opinion. I’ve felt paralysed, as if what has been going on is too big. Add in the social media world of fake news, and I seem to have lost the ability to offer my naive thoughts.

If you want to be considered a writer, you need to write. Thinking about writing, dreaming about it doesn’t qualify you. I don’t have that many strings to my bow, but like to think of myself as a writer. But am I?

When I’m in the flow of participating in flash fiction, I write and enjoy it. I like to read (55 to 65 books a year). I’ve always wanted to be a writer, as in published author. 

But I’m not passionate, about anything. I’m not very emotional. There has never been a muse in my life. My characters don’t talk to me or follow me around looking for attention. Doesn’t a writer, any kind of creative actually, need to be passionate; emotional. 

I’m just practical, pragmatic, pedantic, process driven – workmanlike. 

Good news. I completed the draft and met the deadline. Good news. There is another MS with more words that called to me while working on the other. 

Bad news. I want to write fresh, alive stories – so flash fiction calls. I don’t want to rewrite and rewrite until the words turn into something the publisher wants. That part is boring. And I only have so many more years to waste.

BTW the exiled Golgafrinchans landed on planet earth and after eliminating the existing humanoid species, became our ancestors. Those who remained on Golgafrinchan enjoyed their lives without the middle men, until the day they all died of a disease contracted from dirty telephones. Irony upon irony.

Liebster Award Nomination 2020

THANK YOU Snoopy M for nominating my blog for Liebstar Award 2020. That was a huge surprise and most welcome! I’m such a newbie blogger 😊

The Liebstar Award is a way to be discovered but also to connect and support the blogging community. A great idea in promoting your own blog and others. Originally it was given out to blogs with less than 2000 readers, but this has slowly lowed as the reward has gained popularity. It is now only 200 readers or less. It’s really an arbitrary number. If you like helping other blogs out go ahead and do it regardless of its size. This award is all about promoting and viewing other people’s blogs. (Taken from


  1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog
  2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
  3. Nominate 11 bloggers
  4. Ask your nominees 11 questions
  5. Notify your nominees once you have uploaded your post

Snoopy M set me the following tricky questions.

  1. Name one thing/person that/who makes your life complete (or would have made complete).
    My husband Eric. Somehow we found each other. I was already married, and we had only just broken up (he had moved out) and then into my workplace walked Eric. Within 6 months we were engaged. My divorce came through a year later (in October) and we married in November. We will be married 30 years in 2021.
  2. Did the pandemic bring any positive change inside you?
    I’m not too sure of that. Like many people, I had aspirations I guess of what would be achieved now that we had time and space. But really, I just ate more! I wish I could say I’d grown, more than just in waist size 😉
  3. How do you intend to grow your blog further? 
    I write the most when I’m travelling, which my husband and I love to do. Otherwise, I participate in weekly short story writes, where someone posts a photo or word prompt. I do have two works in progress (novels) and in the back of my mind, my blog is making my ‘literary contacts’, in case I’m ever published. While also collecting a bunch of like minded friends from around the world.
  4. Which is your favourite corner in the house?
    We only have a small house, and I do love our living room. Our sofas are a groovy lime green, my bookshelves are there, and it is the room where I have indoor plants. Also, the television is there, and as I love movies, it finishes off my favourite space.
  5. Love at first sight – Does any such thing really exist? What is your opinion?
    I think love at first sight does exist. I was very aware of my husband almost immediately I met him in my workplace. At the time, I wouldn’t have articulated that I’d fallen in love, but in hindsight it seems obvious.
  6. Mac Book Pages or Microsoft Word – which one do you prefer more?
    Microsoft Word – but only because that is what my workplaces have always used, and it has become normal for me.
  7. Do you know anyone (including yourself) who has used all the features offered by the iPhones till date?
    I don’t use an iPhone. If you include Android phones such as Samsung, I think I use many of the features. I’m fairly tech savvy for an oldie!
  8. Which social media platform do you think is more popular in 2020 – Facebook/ Instagram/Twitter? (you can add any other social media platform if you want)
    Apparently, only oldies such as Mums and Dads use Facebook. Is that currently accurate? Twitter is very popular. Instagram has had a resurgence, perhaps because you can do ‘live’ events on them now?
  9. What do you think about India as a nation? Have you ever tasted Indian food?
    I have never travelled to India. I do enjoy Indian food; it is my daughter’s food of choice when we have a celebration. It has been on my travel wish list to visit India, while at the same time I think I’ll be overwhelmed by the sheer number of people there. And the poverty. Although that might be a personal misconception.
  10. Who is all you all-time favourite author? Please specify the genre.
    All-time favourite author is tough, you know. As we are all writers, I’m assuming we’re all readers and who has only one favourite? I’ll choose my long-time favourite Stephen King, horror author extraordinaire! I’m a little embarrassed that it is not a more literary writer, but I’ve grown with him.
  11. When was the last time you received a compliment from someone and what was that?
    Just today. I volunteer as a tech operator and reader on Vision Australia radio. It’s not commercial radio. Not like talk back. You don’t need to have a bubbly or loud personality! We read the local newspaper for vision impaired listeners. It makes local community news more accessible to them.
    Someone on our radio committee called me today and said I was one of their best on-air readers – so that was very ‘WOW’!

My questions to the nominees :

  1. How long have you been blogging?
  2. What is your favourite writing genre?
  3. Have you previously been nominated for a blogging award?
  4. Where have you travelled to and what is your favourite country / culture?
  5. Do you have a bucket list?
  6. What has been your biggest triumph?
  7. What has been your lowest moment?
  8. How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected your life?
  9. What do you think of Donald Trump?
  10. Name your favourite memory of your hometown.
  11. Do you believe in a spiritual deity / higher power?

And I nominate :

Michael Humphris

Paula Stevenson Writer

The Road Back to Life

Our Literary Journey

Keith’s Ramblings

Notes to Women

Neil MacDonald Author


Sound Bite Fiction

Jibber Jabber with Sue

Living Authors’ Society

I tried to choose blogs I follow that have 200 or below followers, but that was too difficult. And so two or three of these are below 1,000 followers. I enjoy reading all your words and hope you are happy with this nomination.

NaNoWriMo 2016 – Winner


National Novel Writing Month 2016 (NaNoWriMo) and another small novel down. Two years in a row for me – and that is the great thing about the program. A want-to-be author, who has only started blogging since 2013 and not done any creative writing since she was a teenager, has now written over 100,000 words of fiction.

When you are a wife and mother (and most often at work) you put aside all the dreams – at least I did. My desire to write is deeply buried; with my creative muse. And all things practical take precedence.

Even as things have changed, it has been hard to realise that I now have the time and my own permission to pursue this area of interest. Lee Child only wrote his first novel in his mid-40s, so a late start is not unheard of. Of course, Mr Child’s total life and career background has been fertile ground for his imaginative and action-packed thrillers. For me, a simple mummy-type background hasn’t been a breeding ground for amazing ideas!

The first WIP About Lucy sits in the romance genre; and is still in draft mode and needing beefing up. At the rewrite, it will change and not be as light, with a bleak beginning; but that will be the impetus for the rest of Lucy’s journey and there will still be room for the light and funny parts. A lot of rewriting to be done. And ironically, I only began to imagine what to do with a rewrite as NaNoWriMo 2016 approached; when I was supposed to be thinking up the next story.

The Shimmering is the 2016 WIP and is again a romance, but with a foot in the door of ancient Ireland. In fact, the novel is set in the modern age, but there are faeries living ‘almost’ among us – remnants of the Celtic Gods. And my main character, Jenny, is a direct descendant of these Celts and therefore unwillingly becomes the main attraction in a supernatural happening – called, The Shimmering.

I think this second book has more depth to it. I’m happier with the quality in this second attempt at writing a ‘novel in a month’.

I have two ideas for the next stories rumbling around in my head and while I’ve got the writing habit happening, I shall begin on them. The first is an imagining of losing a young child at the airport – and how that happens; how do we react and what happens to the child (how does the child handle it?). The second is a ‘zombies living among us’ story. I know; Zombies! I read eclectically and clearly, I’m going to be an eclectic writer!

I’ve written on this site before about NaNoWriMo and how it is a vehicle to get people to write – who otherwise mean to, but procrastinate, think they’re not good enough, it is something other people do, etc. The goal is to write 50,000 words in a month – from 1st November to (pens down) midnight 30th November. You’re a winner if you reach that 50,000‑word target.

I tell people I’m a winner, because I achieved the goal of 50,000 words. Most people go ‘oh yeah, that’s good’ or ‘good on you’; but I don’t believe that they realise – me and the other ‘winning’ participants wrote a small novel in 30 days.

Out of a beginning number of over 400,000 (I don’t know the 2016 numbers, but in 2015 there were 431,626 adult participants) only so many finished. In the entire world. And I was one of them! You can see from the graph that it is a small number of people who reach that 50,000-word goal.

I have a way to go before I’ve got something that’s publishable (basically, I’ve written two first drafts) but this is a massive achievement for me 😀