Friday Fictioneers – Escape

A big screen TV with an image of a rusty old car, being raised with straps.

Photo Prompt: Fleur Lind

It caught my eye the moment I entered.

Its segments called to me.

My sister moaned about life’s disappointments.

Her husband’s failings.

Her monster children.

Made coffee without asking what I wanted.

Assumed it was always the same.

Milk, 2 sugars, too white, too sweet.

I barely listened. Grunted in the right places

‘I made banana bread, with walnuts,’ she said.

She’d forgotten I’m allergic.

‘Everybody loves my baking. I should open a café.’

It was all just noise.

I reached out to the TV. Opened the door.

Walked through, and closed it quietly behind me. [96 words]

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields continues to set the challenge in 2024, encouraging a community of writers to write Flash Fiction of 100 words or fewer. To read other stories, visit here.