Friday Fictioneers – Before


A blazing flash of light and I thought; I’ve been here before!

It was an important day; for my husband. A record 56-game hitting streak. It looked different then.

I was wearing a dress made famous by a film clip, over a subway tunnel.

Stunning white material, over long pale legs, blowing around me!

He cried hard at my funeral. They all did, my mother, the crowds. I can remember it, like it was yesterday.

He wasn’t there. The politician.

Funeral? Husbands? The memory is clear as glass. But it doesn’t make sense.

I’m only a boy, aged 10. This is my local playground.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.

19 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Before

    • Thanks for that gee up! Praise is a pleasure.
      Maybe I’m lazy? But mostly, I don’t have a writing routine. I work and I read.
      Also, I don’t seem to have a friendly relationship with the link frog thing. I always have to search for it, by looking through other people’s pages until I find the frog 🙂 And so, it is only when the people I follow (like you) post their Friday Fiction pieces that I go “Ah, yes. I’d better do that!”
      So clearly, not dedicated enough. And aspiring I’ll ever be 🙂


  1. I forgot that Joe DiMaggio was married to a 10-year-old boy.

    This is an interesting take on reincarnation. To not only remember one’s past life, but to have it rush back as a 10-year-old would have to be terrifying. It sounds like the makings of schizophrenia.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Neil, thanks for commenting.
      Maybe a come-down, but I have thought about Marilyn and reincarnation in the past. She was a woman in pain, for all her success. From afar it would seem that drugs, drink, and perhaps sexual promiscuity were all a part of her life. No judgement. And therefore, I have often wondered – if Marilyn was reborn, would she choose to come back to a much simpler and conservative lifestyle? Because reincarnation is supposed to be about working on issues in preparation for attaining enlightenment (as I understand things). And she’d need to do some work in this life, wouldn’t she?
      Being a boy could be a step in that healing.


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