Friday Fictioneers – Oblivious

Photo Prompt @ Roger Bultot

My grandchildren spend a lot of time on their devices.

I often think they miss so much of life, with their faces pressed to a screen.

I’m waiting for them now, sitting here in one of my favourite places.

I’ve always loved watching ships come and go, imagining where they’ve been; where they’re off to.

I wonder what time it is … look down.

I wonder what the weather … look down.

What ship is due … look down.

What fish can you catch … look down.

I’d love a burger … look down.

Are the kids on their way … look down. I can’t see a text message.

“Hi Grandad,” I hear. Look up.

“Oh, hello son.”

“Great weather,” he says. Look up.

“Oh, yes, it is.”

“Great fishing. I caught a blue whaler here once,” says the grandson.

“That’s nice. I was wondering about fish,” I reply.

“I’d love a burger Grandad. They do a smashing one here at Nathans,” he says, helping me to stand. Look up.

“Oh, right. I was wondering about dinner.”

Cop onto yourself, old man. Who is really disconnected here? Look up, or you’re missing out.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a story in response to a photo prompt – in 100 words or less. You can find other stories here.

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