Friday Fictioneers – Horizon

Twice a year I take this road trip
1,634km of bituminized road between Hedland and Perth.
And again, I find myself stuck at a railway crossing;
with a 2.4km ore train meandering along.
I stare into the horizon, eyes unfocussed; the landscape a blur.
Dubba dup. Dubba dup. Dubba dup.
Drowsiness overtakes me. Eyes droop.
Suddenly, the door alarm!
Ping. Ping. Ping.
Awareness returns. Adrenaline surges.
The stranger reaches in; grabs my throat.
My hands claw his face. He lands a punch.
Black spots, as the horizon fades.
Middle of nowhere. So unexpected.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a story in response to a photo prompt – in 100 words or less. You can find other stories here.

19 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – Horizon

    • Thanks Iain. It shouldn’t happen out in the middle of the Pilbara either. Chances of some random being behind you at some lonely railway crossing in the middle of nowhere, would be very low! 😊

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  1. “…and then my hand found the handle of my pistola…” — Sorry, I needed a happy ending or I’ll never sleep at a RR crossing again. Good story. Enjoyed it.

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