Friday Fictioneers – Splashback


Photo prompt @ Jean L Hays

I watch the sun catcher, as memories rush me.
In that garden, kids play tag.
Drinks in hand, Mum chats with friends.
Glasses clink. Laughter explodes. Delight screams.
Nose twitching, I even smell, barbeque and beer.
It’s all fun and games.
Unless it isn’t.
Darkness bleeds through memory. Joy dims as delight turns sinister.
I turn into the house; splashback tiles catch the movement.
Reflect the blue glass, as they did every time he touched me.
While others laugh and play. I am silent. Passive.
I dream of swimming with dolphins.
And resurface, all smiles. Hot dog in hand.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a story in response to a photo prompt – in 100 words or less. You can find other stories here.

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