Friday Fictioneers – the Quiet

Friday Fictioneers Photo Prompt©Na’ama Yehuda

Photo Prompt©Na’ama Yehuda

Looking around, recalling a scene from The Notebook

When Noah and Allie lie down in the street

She is worried, and he is nonchalant

A vehicle arrives, honks the horn

And they jump up laughing; alive

Makes me smile!

Looking around, knowing that this isn’t right

If it was a quiet, lazy Sunday – okay

people huddled in front of the TV, eating, laughing

If I didn’t know differently

people huddled in front of the TV scared, eating

If I wasn’t escaping, heading anywhere else

people huddled together, dying, dead.

The quiet after the storm!

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here.

13 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – the Quiet

  1. I loved the Notebook – book and movie.
    I too was lost but then again I realized what you were going for once I read your explanation.
    Sometimes, 100 words can eliminate a key factor. Keep on keeping on …
    Be safe … Be Healthy … Be Happy 😍
    Isadora 😎


    • Thanks Rochelle.
      It was supposed to be a contrast. A moment of lightness where the quiet road reminded her of that lighthearted moment in the movie. But then reality hit, and she was quickly back to escaping the death around her – people in their homes living normally, to fear, to death. From a pandemic!! Clearly didn’t do such a good job this week 😁😇
      And on another note – tricycle has arrived. Hiding under heavy books, atm 😉

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