Friday Fictioneers – The Green

Photo by Roger Bultot

Photo by Roger Bultot

I long for green.

The longing of the upper-middle-class.

In iso, but not without resources. Working from home, and income not an issue.

As I ride my computer each day, this is my view.

It could be that nothing is wrong. It could be just another day, in wonderland.

I long for green.

At least there is a glimpse of sun through clouds.

At least the smog has disappeared.

I could be here alone in this metropolis.

A pure moment, when nobody has escaped to their rooftop for air, and a sense of freedom.

I long for green.

Friday fictioneers is a weekly challenge set by Rochelle Wisoff Fields to write a 100-word story in response to a photo prompt. You can find other stories here

7 thoughts on “Friday Fictioneers – The Green

  1. I love my green. If the temps would rise just another few degrees, it would be even greener. We’ve had a chilly, blustery April.

    The longing comes through loud and clear. Excellent writing.


    • Hello Robert, well they are my own thoughts/words. Accidentally a poem? I just write stuff – out of my backside an Australian might say! 🙂 Thanks for reading and commenting. Hope you enjoyed the words?


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