Beloved – Friday Fictioneers

Friday Fictioneers August 17th

Reposted for Fandango’s Friday Flashback – 21 August

Smooth pebbles litter the beach and stepping through them, I stumble

Laughing, I push windswept hair out of my eyes looking ahead, for my beloved

6ft, fit and carefree, he clambers, crawls and skips over stones and puddles

As I fall, I cry out; when I look up he is by my side, hand outstretched

The devotion and concern in his face renews my confidence in him

And as he lifts me to my feet, we gently kiss and he leads me carefully

Away from the pebbled and precarious ground, to the beach sand and safety

This is my submission for Friday Fictioneers.  Photo credit to Š Janet Webb . And thanks to Rochelle Wisoff-Fields who kindly supports Friday Fictioneers through her website.
The idea is to fashion a story that has a beginning, middle, and end and within 100 words.

10 thoughts on “Beloved – Friday Fictioneers

  1. Trish, this is poetic much more than prose! Great piece. A bit like me reading the commitments – it’s even better when you can relate to the characters. Keep it up! Kevin

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